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Trypanosoma cruzi

Super resolution of Trypanosoma cruzi


In the Etheridge Lab our research efforts are focused primarily on the etiological agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi. This obligate intracellular parasite infects an estimated 10 million people in the Americas, with an at-risk population of 70 million. Despite its recognition as the highest impact parasitic infection of the Americas, Chagas disease remains underreported, understudied and underfunded.

Basic research into the biology of T. cruzi has previously been hindered by a lack of efficient genetic tools, but the recent advent of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing technology into this model system has cleared the way for more in-depth molecular analyses. Among the human infecting parasitic trypanosomatids, T. cruzi is extremely unique for a number of reasons: it develops into its infectious form in the hindgut of insects, is transmitted to its mammalian host via the feces of its insect vector (stercorarian), lives directly in the cytosol of its mammalian host cell and utilizes an ancient feeding organelle to endocytose extracellular material in a manner much like its bacterivorous free-living relatives. This endocytic structure is composed of a long tubular invagination (cytopharynx) starting at a surface plasma membrane pore (cytostome) which we refer to here as the cytostome/cytopharynx complex or SPC. The SPC is a highly dynamic organelle that is present and functional only in the replicating forms of the parasite and disassembles during the transition to its infectious stages. Until recently the SPC had primarily been examined using electron tomography techniques which, despite revealing important structural elements, left open the question as to how the organelle functioned and what protein components were responsible for its construction and activity. 


chagas diseaseEpimastigote SPC