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Lab News

September 2024 | Ruby wins best talk at KMCB meeting!

A big congratulations to our postdoc Ruby Harrison for receiving the ASTMH (American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene) travel award at the KMCB meeting in Woods Hole this year! Here she spoke about her work on the establishment of a new system to study in vivo interactions of Trypanosoma cruzi and their triatomine insect vector.  This award will fund and allow her to give a presentation at the ASTMH meeting held in New Orleans this year.  

KMCB meeting



August 2023 | Chagas in the news

Check out this article from NBC News.  You may see a familiar face or two!

nbc new article chagas


August 2023 | Welcome Ganesh

Ganesh Malli Mohan joined the lab this summer coming to us from India.  After a little time change adjusting, he is up and running.  We look forward to all that he will bring to the lab!

Ganesh BMM


January 2023 | New Year - New Graduate Student!

Gonzalo Seminario will begin his graduate journey studying Trypanosoma cruzi in the Etheridge Lab this month. He comes to us after gaining his Masters in Medical Clinical Sciences from the University of Tsukuba in Tsukuba City, Japan.  Welcome Gonzalo!



September 2022 | Best Poster Award at MPM

Congratulations to Nathan Chasen for winning a best poster award at the Molecular Parasitology Meeting in Woods Hole, MA!  

MPM Poster




May 2022 | Farewell to Edwin, Ben, and Tori

We bid adieu to three of our lab mates this month as they continue onto their next adventure - Edwin, Ben, and Tori!   Ben won't be going far as he was accepted to the Integrated Life Sciences graduate program here at UGA, he will begin rotations this Fall.  Tori finished her undergraduate degree and plans to take a gap year before attending medical school.  A big thank you to Edwin for treating us to a true Haitian feast, it was delicious!  

Ben and EdwinVIctoria

the lab



May 2022 | New NIH R01 Funding

Great news for the lab this month, we received notice that our second NIH R01 has been funded! 


April 2022 | New Publication

Edwin is on a roll, his paper - Disruption of Toxoplasma gondii Induced Host Cell DNA Replication is Dependent on Contact Inhibition of Host Cell Type was recently accepted to mSphere. Congrats!!


March 2022 | Edwin graduates!!!!!!!

Edwins Defense Party

Edwin Pierre Louis graduation

A big congratulations to Dr. Edwin Pierre-Louis for sucessfully defending his thesis on Friday, March 25th!!  Edwin will be leaving us in May as he has accepted a job at the CDC as an ORISE Postdoctroal Fellow in the Division of Parasitic Diseases and Malaria. We wish him the best on this next adventure!


March 2022 | Publication

Check out the latest publication from the Etheridge Lab here


October 2021 | Happy Halloween

Etheridge Lab Halloween




September 2021 | Meet Ruby

Our lab is continuing to grow, we gained another Postdoctoral Fellow - welcome Ruby Harrison. She came to us from the Entomology department where she worked with Drs. Mike Strand and Mark Brown. We are excited to have her expertise as she will be setting up our reduviid colony. 

Ruby Harrison



August 2021 | Meet Justin

We gained another Postdoctoral Fellow this month. Justin Wiedeman came to us from Kojo Mensa-Wilmot's Lab in Cellular Biology where he worked on kinase signaling pathways in Trypanosoma brucei. 

Justin Wiedeman



July 2021 | Meet Tori

We welcomed Victoria "Tori" Blaisdell in Spring 2021. She has been extremely helpful with the maintenance of the lab. She will continue with us as a CURO Fellow this Fall. 

Victoria Blaisdell




July 2021 | Ben Whisnant joins the lab!

We are happy to welcome Ben Whisnant, our new Lab Technician.  He recently graduated in Spring 2021 with a Bachelors in Cellular Biology from UGA.  

Ben Whisnant



July 2021 | It's official - Etheridge Lab receives our first NIH R01 Grant

Congrats Everyone!  Read our article in UGAResearch here

Ronald Drew Etheridge



March 2021 | Meet Kevin

We welcomed Kevin Davis, a Pre-Med undergraduate, last Fall 2020.  He has continued in the lab this semester as a CURO Fellow. 

kevin davis undergraduate



March 2021 | CTEGD Trainee Spotlight

Nathan Chasen Etheridge Lab Postdoc


Our postdoc Nathan Chasen is featured in this months in CTEGD newsletter, check him out:





June 2020 | Publication

And we are on a roll, here is our latest: "The Functional Characterization of TcMyoF Implicates a Family of Cytostome-Cytopharynx Targeted Myosins as Integral to the Endocytic Machinery of Trypanosoma cruzi"

The Functional Characterization of TcMyoF Implicates a Family of Cytostome-Cytopharynx Targeted Myosins as Integral to the Endocytic Machinery of Trypanosoma cruzi



January 2020 | Publication

Congrats to our postdoc Nathan for publishing this month, check it out: "Identification and Localization of the First Known Proteins of the Trypanosoma cruzi Cytostome Cytopharynx Endocytic Complex"


Identification and Localization of the First Known Proteins of the Trypanosoma cruzi Cytostome Cytopharynx Endocytic Complex




October 2019 | Happy Halloween from the RDE Lab

Happy Halloween


September 2019 | Ahmed Shetewi

Ahmed Undergraduate

We welcomed Ahmed Shetewi to the Etheridge Lab this semester. He is in his second year as an undergraduate and has been helping out with the general duties that keep our lab running as well as having opportunities to learn about our research.



JULY 2019 | Omar will defend his Masters

We will be celebrating tomorrow as Omar Salas becomes our first Master's student!  Join us tomorrow to say congrats at noon!

Omar defends his masters


MARCH 2019 | Good news all around!

Spring semester is always the busiest :  Grants, teaching, grad classes, seminars, recruitment, lab work. We got to pause and celebrate last week when we got the news our second NIH R21 Research Grant will be funded! And on the same day, Edwin received news he was accepted to the Biology of Parasitism (BoP)  Course in Woodshole.  He will be studying there for 6 weeks this summer. Congratulations!


DECEMBER 2018 | A good year.

Cheers to a productive year. We gained a graduate student and post doc. Received a NIH R21 Research Grant. Edwin won best poster and Nathan got recognition for his talk at MPM in Woods Hole. Both Edwin and Nathan were awarded the CTEGD T32 Training Grant. We look forward to new adventures in 2019!


DECEMBER 2018 | HOLIDAY PARTY - let's start a tradition. had our first holiday party as a lab. can you guess the Halloween costumes?

Halloween and Christmas Festivities


AUGUST 2018 | ESCAPE THE SPACE - we ended the summer with a team building day. it was a blast. made it out with 2 minutes to go!



MAY 2018 | Lab Photoshoot!




MAY 2018  | Omar joins the lab

We are happy to share that Omar Salas will join us as a graduate research assistant! Omar did a rotation with us this spring and has decided to continue his studies with us. His focus will be investigating the Toxoplasma gondii bradyzoite reactivation process.



APRIL 2018  | Nathan joins the lab

We welcome Nathan Chasen to the Etheridge Lab as a postdoctoral fellow! Nathan recieved his PhD here at UGA in Dr. Silvia Moreno's lab at the end of 2017. His main focus will be on Trypanosoma cruzi.  




DECEMBER 2017  | Edwin joins the lab

It's official - the Etheridge Lab has it's first graduate student! Edwin Pierre Louis, a UGA@PREP scholar, will join us as he embarks on his PhD journey. He will be investigating secreted parasite proteins and their trafficking machinery between parasite effectors and their host targets. 



JULY 17 2017  | Chemi-Doc

Today we received our Chemi-Doc imager from Bio-Rad! It is designed to address multiplex fluorescent western blotting, chemiluminescence detection, general gel documentation applications, and stain-free technology imaging needs. 



JUNE 15 2017 | New Addition to the Lionheart

Our Lionheart microscope got an upgrade today! We received the humidity chamber that fits directly onto the stage. The chamber maintains temperature and gas levels, now it is possible to do live cell imaging. We will have movies to analyze soon!



APRIL 4 2017 | Our Lab

We have a functional lab! After many months of planning, ordering equipment, cleaning, and organizing... the lab is starting to come to life. We now have two undergraduates working with us and will be taking graduate students this fall. Contact Drew with any interest or questions about our research.
